Saturday, July 23, 2011

Dissolve At the Chance

Right smack in the middle of adolescence, amid early sightings of emerging curlers breaking fresh dermal ground, amid awkward, inferential, and sweaty conversations with girls far out of my league, amid extreme urges to dismantle everything conventional society seemed to offer a young lad, I began going to $3 Dissolve shows at the Chance. Six bands. Three bucks. That was exactly one day's lunch money, which meant I could either skip a day of lunch or three days of beverage and just suck water from the fountain's tepid rainbow in order to earn enough for the show. These shows broke down everything pent-up inside me, gnawing off huge chunks of what the radio told me music was, shattering all my preconceived notions of what live music meant, what concerts did, how moshing operated, fanning some essential fire inside me that I knew was there but evaded me up until then. This was fucking Art. And this is why every time Dissolve decides to play some shows I think of the event as a religious-type ceremony, because it grounds my ever-pressing present in my own past, reminds me what is important about art and art-making, and douses youthful fires with fresh gallons of gasoline.

So I will go see Dissolve July 30th at the Chance in Pougheepsie. As at the $3 shows so long ago, they have some excellent bands playing along with them, including Now There Is Only a Signal and Living Laser, so you should go too, and get there early!

Dissolve Live
(So you can see that they're just as good now, if not better, than they've ever been. But why would anyone think otherwise?)

Get Dissolve's album Caveman of the Future from Trip Machine Laboratories

Paul Thorstenson's short films