Sunday, February 28, 2010

Recording Frenzy

Robots and Empire spent yesterday recording vocals for a new track we've been working on in our home studio. Keith and Sean from Sweet Spot Studio came by and worked as vocal producers galore, demanding excellent takes instead of fixing everything with studio magic. It was a long day but a good one, and we're excited to work on mixing these vocals and the recording as a whole. Maybe we'll find time between shoveling.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Evan and Paul

Need a break from your Leadbelly and Hank Williams mp3s? Well, unlike those guys, the musical collaboration Evan and Paul isn’t from anywhere. Evan and Paul do not have supper together after rehearsal in some town you’ve never heard of, a town whose name they do not associate with the band preferring instead the name of the nearest small city. They do not touch each other’s instruments, joke around between takes, name songs, or ‘jam’. They are a sudden band. Made by cords and wires. Evan makes robots. Paul plays with pliers. They trade files over the Internet. They trade audible eight-lettered poems, and easygoing they stride next to sounds; they send them around in a baton relay till they reach the end and this is the end. They are not sure how many songs they have. I have two that are not repeats or replacements. The name of the first one is “Life on the Asteroid Colony”. The name of the second one is “Death march of the unemployed atom-smashers”.

Life on the Asteroid Colony:

Death march of the unemployed atom-smashers: